Wednesday, June 03, 2009

#255 - 2 more to go!

I am done yet another course and I only have 2 more to go! It has been around a year since I started teaching and I am really starting to enjoy it! :)

I am exhausted so off to bed I go!

- rush hour traffic, people in the city have no idea how to drive. They want to ban cell phone use, instead they should just ban Stupid Drivers that would solve a majority of the issues! :)

- coming home to hubby with kids after a tiring day at work instead of my mother! (ya she actually showed up 2 days in a row! Wow! :)

I need to sit down to type this one. Hubby was starting to get the kids ready for their bath so he dumped Boy1 on the potty and told him to wait there. He left him all alone! I heard what sounded like a plop (all the way on the other side of the house!) then shortly after I hear Boy1 holler "I pooped in the potty". I went in and he stood up to show me! (Yummy! NOT) I am excited to report that the little turd FINALLY left one where it actually should be left (instead of his pants that is!). Crossing my fingers here that maybe he will continue to do this as we sure made a bid deal out of it! (That and my cousin gave me a big bag of old hot wheels so we are using them as a reward for doing 'the business' in the potty!) Boy2 also got a new car after his bath! YAHOO! Excitement all around!

I must admit I would have never thought poop in a potty could ever make someone so happy! :) Ahh the things you learn as a parent!

Good night... ever been so tired that you are to tired to go to bed? LOL

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At 5:37 a.m., June 04, 2009, Anonymous Kristin said...

"instead they should just ban Stupid Drivers"...oh my God YES!

And, congrats on the potty training progress.

At 8:47 a.m., June 05, 2009, Anonymous Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Yipee for poop in the potty!! I am so happy for you, I remember how big of a deal this is to get rid of Diapers.


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