Saturday, February 14, 2009

#165 -Sleepy

Hope everyone had a great Valentines Day.

I think the hubby liked the gifts from the kids, the cards that they made. I got nothing, not a kiss, not a card, nadda, nothing. *sigh* I was hoping for chocolate at least. Oh well I got hugs from the Kiddos so that will do!

It was a good day at work today. The gals I was working with were lots of fun and hard workers! We had some great customers today too. (Bonus the mother came over when I wasn't home!) We even manged to get out of work on time today!

- missing a day with the kiddos
- my mother


- A good day at work
- Long weekends


Baby was a little crabby this evening, but it is amazing how much easier it is to deal with one crabby baby then two. When the boys were little I remember just looking at my hubby and waiting for bed time when the boys were crabby. With Baby, you know she will eventually move on and stop crying for a while and stay that way for a bit. With the boys it seemed like it was one or the other. Twins may be double the fun but as I say they are 4 times the work! (Good luck Nadia S!)

I don't mean to sound like I am complaining I would not change my family for anything. I just feel like the boys sometimes got and are getting kind of jipped. We try so hard to give them each their own time but it's not the easiest. We really need to work harder on that, but right now they just don't like to be apart at all.

It will be interesting to see the way their relationships develop over the years. I hope that I can help them be understanding and loving of each other as they grow. I wish there was instructions on how to do that! :) Growing up as an only child I never learned how to develop relationships with a sibling. It should be an interesting challenge.

Potty training is pretty much not going forward, but it's not going backward either so I am happy with that.

Tomorrow is just me and the kiddos, Dad is going out with a buddy to get us some more firewood for our stove in the basement. I am hoping that the mother doesn't show up tomorrow.

Good night

It's kind of fun to do the impossible. - Walt Disney (1901 - 1966)

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At 6:25 a.m., February 15, 2009, Anonymous Kristin said...

Good luck with your mom encounter (hehe, why did that phrase remind me of Close Encounters of the Third Kind).

At 7:31 a.m., February 15, 2009, Anonymous sky girl said...

Next V Day buy yourself some flowers or something and tell your hubs very sweetly "oh thank you for thinking of me!!!".

He'll get the message.

At 9:47 a.m., February 15, 2009, Anonymous Bluebird said...

Oooh, what sky girl said! I was actually kind of jealous of my single girlfriends this year. DH and I don't make a deal out of Vday, which is fine - but my friends were all talking about making themselves bubble baths and pouring champagne and buying themselves chocolates and I wanted to do that too!! GL today:)

At 11:13 a.m., February 15, 2009, Anonymous Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Sorry for the mom drama. What's up with hubby?

At 7:03 p.m., February 15, 2009, Anonymous Carrie27 said...

Sorry to hear you didn't get anything from the hubby, especially when you got him so gifts.

I agree, enjoying time with twins is HARD. The twins just turned 5 months and now that we aren't run ragged and the babies are on a better schedule, I feel like we are just now enjoying our time with them...and that's horrible to say since it took us 5 months to get here. Of course you enjoy all the time you have with them...but ok, I'm sure you get what I'm trying to say.


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