Wednesday, October 28, 2009

#332 - Rest

Well I get to 'rest' for a couple of days. Well at least rest from teaching. One more course next week. Then I am done for this term. I wasn't scheduled any classes in December so I get that month 'off' so far.

We managed to survive once again without our sh*tty babysitter. Grandma would not come over because I had a cold. She figured that she would catch H1N1 from me. Did I mention I had a COLD not H1N1. That woman has more excuses than a child who doesn't want to go to school!

I managed to make it through my two days of teaching even though I wasn't feeling very well. I am blessed with a naturally loud voice (normally a curse but in this job it works out well!) so I didn't have to put any extra effort into projecting my voice. I don't think I would have survived if I needed to use any more effort. It is hard work for me to talk all day, so anything extra would have put me over the 'edge'. It wasn't one of my stellar classes and I need to do some work with my content however I had a lot of good comments. I am happy with that given that I really want to change a few things around.

So I am going to rest a little now before my next class!

- colds
- making decisions about important things
- my mother... see above! :)

- 2 day courses, get to meet new people, get to 'pass on some information', instant feedback so you can improve for the next one
- hubby is back to working Fridays for at least a couple of weeks (unfortunately we aren't quite up to 40 hours yet due to him working a very short day to make up for our 'babysitter')

Kids were happy to stay with Dad the last couple of days... I will have to work extra hard for them to like me tomorrow! :)

Have I mentioned how much I like life with toddlers now that 2 of 3 are potty trained. I complained so much about potty training I figured I should share my post training life! It's good to have less diapers around here! Better for the environment to I suppose!

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At 6:27 a.m., October 29, 2009, Anonymous Kristin said...

Glad you made it through without your crappy sometimes sitter.

At 11:46 a.m., October 29, 2009, Anonymous Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

I hope you feel better soon. I can't believe you actually have two potty trained, Cool. Who is it? the two boys? thanks


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