Saturday, July 25, 2009

#287 - Waiting....

I am just waiting for an extra to finish before I can go to bed... although at the rate it is going I may just leave it go and hope the system doesn't time out on me!

I had a busy day at work and I am still working. I am trying to clean up our system at work (what a mess! I had to manually update about 1,000 records... gaaaag) It sure would be nice if I had the backend password so I could get into the database and cause havoc! Good thing I looooove data or I would be going crazy by now!

Hopefully I can sleep tonight. I got a bit of sleep last night, but the 2 nights before absolutely NOTHING! I can't blame the heat as we have a room A/C unit. Speaking of heat it is still hotter than heck here. YUCK! Just what I want to do work on a hot laptop in a hot house. Hmmm maybe I should have headed to the basement? Oh well to late now I am almost ready for bed!

I sure missed the kiddos today!

Good Night

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At 8:15 a.m., July 26, 2009, Anonymous Kristin said... had to manually update that many records?!?!? YUCK!

At 2:47 p.m., July 26, 2009, Anonymous Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Can you set up a little fan in your workspace? That helps me quite a bit in my office.


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