Wednesday, July 08, 2009

#277 - Woot Woot and other stuff!

Well I am keeping out of trouble these days. It has been a nice break since the In-laws have been here. I have cut back on my work a little the last couple of days and it has been NICE!

I was ready to string up the hubby today. I had a meeting at 1pm and the hubby went out with the folks and called at 1pm that he was going to get his dad something to eat and they still had to go to the grocery store... I was really happy, me, 3 kids and a demo via the internet and phone! Well I made it until the hubby got home. Then I felt bad for being pissed off as the inlaws bought us a new BBQ. (our last one is 15 yrs old, and too small according to hubby! :))

-sweet girl
-a visit from a friend that we haven't seen in a while

Today we had a major breakthrough... oh constipation/screaming/anti potty boy... headed to the bathroom by himself today. And we had MAJOR splash down. I think this may be the start of the end of potty training for the boys in this house! How possibly exciting! :) When I get these two going we are moving on to the littlest one.

Speaking of the littlest one. Granny was out for the day with some friends. So Baby and I dropped off Granny and headed out for a shopping day with baby. What a treat! I really enjoyed just having one to drag in and out of the car. We went into the Children's Place (clothing store). Baby saw dresses and way she went. "LOOK MOM... PRETTTY DRESS!" She was just in heaven, pretty dresses everywhere! It was too funny, then she found shoes, LOOK MOM pretty shoes! She was even looking through the racks and showing mom the stuff she liked. Then it was on to check out the slippers. She found some with butterflies and she really liked them and since they were only $2.99 I got them for her. (I also managed to get some Saled items for Christmas presents! YEY) As I was at the checkout she wanted her shoes off, then her sweater (it was raining, finally). Then she wanted to put a pretty dress on. I think she was about ready to strip down to her diaper! (She was not happy when we left the store! :) )

We had a nice lunch together, she kept looking at me an smiling. I was so proud of my little girl, she was soooo good. We had a pit stop at the dollar store and I let her walk. She kept saying 'ooo look mom' to everything she saw. Our last stop was some groceries, which was cutting into nap time. She did really well considering! Someone in line said how cute she was (*insert me gushing!*). She was nattering away in the truck on the way home then all of a sudden it stopped, she was fast asleep. What a treat it was for MOM! (I think I will keep her... for now! Ask me again when she is a teenager! :) )

I love moments like that, but it really makes me realize just how much you miss out on with two at a time. I am sad that my little ones are growing up so very fast. I am afraid to blink! :)

Good Night and here's to Poop in the potty instead of the pants!

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At 7:58 a.m., July 09, 2009, Anonymous Kristin said...

Between potty training and shopping with your daughter, it sounds like an awesome day.

At 11:42 p.m., July 11, 2009, Anonymous Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

That sounds delightful, what a wonderful moment, thanks for sharing.


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