Tuesday, April 14, 2009

#220 - Work, work, work and more work!

Well I managed to get a bit done today. I started working about 1pm and kept on going (with a few breaks for supper etc.) until 10:30pm. I had to do a bunch of re-work on one of my courses. The order wasn't working and there is just way to much content. So I am chopping away at what I can and re-ordering everything, while I am at it I am also cleaning up my notes to make them more readable. When I am done this one then I have to move on to the next one. I have been working and re-working this stuff since the beginning of January. I am just plain sick of it. I hope that this time everything will work out for me so I don't have any more work to do. Then when I am done this I have to get the program that I am writing done for another client.

I keep hoping that eventually things with 'slow down' but I think I am dreaming. If it's not this it will be something else I am sure!

Looks like hubby is going to have to take some vacation soon. There is no work in their shop, I am starting to get worried. They have some bids out there, hopefully something will come of it for next month. Crossing my fingers especially since they figure the worst is yet to come. Can it really get much worse than no work? These are scary times for a lot of people in North America. Lets hope we all weather the storm and come out fairly dry.

- Waking up to 8 to 12 INCHES of snow this morning (it was almost all gone yesterday!) Welcome back Winter!

- I am so glad that when things were booming and we moved that we chose not to get into a big mortgage, phew
- getting work done today even though afternoon naps have gone the way of the dinosaur.
- I am happy that more than half the snow melted today! Thank goodness for the sun!

It was a pretty good day today. Boy1 actually got on the potty this morning without being asked! Boy2 actually asked to go potty once today when he had to go. All in all the kids were pretty good today. I was able to get about a 1/2 hour of scrapbooking done today. This afternoon when Baby was napping the boys were trying very hard to be quiet and good and I managed to get a bunch of work done.

We even had a good Toy clean up day today. Everyone was helping... good thing what a mess they made today! It is amazing how quickly it can go from a living room to a toy explosion room!

Lets hope they are good tomorrow so I can get some more work done!

Well it's almost 11pm so I better be off to bed. Boy1 was up at 6am this morning so I really must get my beauty sleep! ha ha! (I need all I can get! LOL)

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At 5:26 a.m., April 15, 2009, Anonymous Kristin said...

Hoping and praying that your husband's job is secure.

At 8:58 a.m., April 15, 2009, Anonymous Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Sending my best for your husband's work to pick up.


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