Saturday, April 11, 2009

#218 - Sore feet!

Yes I have sore feet today! It was a busy day at work today so at least it kept me out of trouble. The two ladies that like to come in at the last minute before we close, were both there today. Ugg! I really wish people would respect other people's time. Most of the time I don't mind if I have to stay a little late but it just bugs me that people seem to think it's OK to keep people past closing time.

Tomorrow is our big family Easter brunch. I will be glad when it's over with. Hubby doesn't do well if the kids aren't happy, so lets pray they are good! :)

Wishing everyone a Happy Easter!

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At 11:28 p.m., April 11, 2009, Anonymous Kristin said...

Hope tomorrow goes smoothly.

At 9:40 a.m., April 13, 2009, Anonymous Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Happy Easter! Sorry for the sore tootsies.


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