Saturday, August 09, 2008

#20 - Yuck!

It has been incredibly hot here.. 31 Celsius today. Yuck. So what do you do when it's hot, fill up the kiddy pool and put the kiddies in it! After supper last night it was hot water in little pool, add a bathtub fizzy colour thing and way we go! Our pool has 4 little seats in it. Put a kid on each seat, and some bathtub finger paint on the extra seat. Well baby decided to put her legs over the edge, I am not sure if she was trying to climb out or just being weird (I go for weird! :)) She actually managed to climb into the pool for a while too, off of her little seat. Not sure if it was planned but in she went!

So here comes the yuck part. When it came time to get out I picked her up and noticed that the water under here bum on the seat was brown. NOT good considering that I put BLUE tint in the pool. Yuck!

YEY baby actually pulled up on the couch and managed to move over a couple of steps. 13 1/2 months old and finally pulling up!

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