Happy Birthday to me...
My kids have been screaming all day. I am suffering from Postpartum depression which is making the screaming unbearable. Packing my house is going slow. My mom phoned to tell me they had the BEST thanksgiving ever (this past weekend in Canada). She spent it with someone elses family, guess her grandkids don't count for sh*t. I am not getting enough sleep as Missy has decided to go back to 2 times a night feeding. Oh ya and I am another freaking year older! (My husband forgot to wish me a Happy Birthday this morning when I talked to him). I just want to cry.
On a good note it was a year today that I had my transfer for Missy. :)
Oh, you poor dear. Happy Birthday, and I mean it. If your husband asks about a cake, make cupcakes and slip some x-lax or something in a couple just for him. What a tool for forgetting your birthday.
So now, with more enthusiasm befitting the occassion:
Happy Birthday!!!
My husband also forgot to wish me a happy birthday this year, too. Men!
Oh, sweetie! Happy Birthday! I hope your husband is making up for it tonight!
Happy Birthday!
I hope you are feeling better soon. Once you get settled!
Happy Birthday, Soralis!
I hope this is the start of a great year for you and your family.
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday! Wish I was closer I could come help you pack and give you a break from the kids for a bit. Hope the day got better for you.
Oh lovey, happy birthday xx
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday!! I'm sorry you are have such a tough time right now. I hope things get better for you soon.
Happy belated b-day. I hope that things turned around and you had a great b-day!
You can't choose your family, only deal with them.
You did choose your husband, but forgetting birthdays is linked to having a Y chromosome.
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday!!!
(sorry I am late too!)
Happy Birthday babe ... sorry I am late. I hope things are going better for you.
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