Tuesday, October 13, 2009

#323 - Monday's Don't Suck Anymore

When I was working at my regular 5 day a week job Mondays used to suck. Now I don't mind them so much. (I never like getting up in the morning... heck I still don't). I do like working at home at nights, I always knew I was a night person, so those 5:30am mornings were never a fun thing for me! :)

Today was a holiday so the hubby was home for an extra long weekend. The poor bugger has been trying for a month and a half to get the shed done so I kicked him out of the house when I got up this morning. Because of my work schedule he hasn't had much time to get anything done as I usually dump him with the kiddos to get my stuff done. So what do I do? Kick him outside on a below freezing day to build doors for his shed. Apparently he wasn't cold, so that made me feel better! He was happy to actually get the doors done today too. The kids really wanted to go outside with him and I knew that would slow his progress so I kept them in the house with me. It was pretty chilly for them anyway... especially since I haven't pulled all their winter clothing out of storage just yet! Toques and Mitts would be good! I am still hoping for some nice fall weather here. Fall is my favourite season and we seemed to have skipped right over it! :)

(The house pest even helped out the hubby so that was handy for my husband. He tries to be very helpful, but the strain on our food budget is going to kill us with my husbands new 'reduced' work week... )

This last week was a productive one... i now have my Living Room and the Kids rooms cleaned, re-organized, and Boy1 finished all my vacuuming in Baby's room tonight. I even managed to get my updated photos into their frames. I have also been organizing my craft area as I have friends coming over on Saturday to Scrapbook! That should be productive. I have enough projects to keep me busy for about 10 weeks!

Driving home from Thanksgiving Dinner Boy1 blurts out "My willie fell off, how am I going to Pee?" Where that came from I will never know? Hubby and I were just looking at each other wondering what is up with that kid when he blurts out "it's back again Mom, I can go pee again".

Baby Golem has been hanging out at the house again... just about every night she starts that up? Yet another weird kid? (She was some kind of crabby today after a late night... but man one crabby kiddo is MUCH easier than what we used to have to deal with, with the boys! They must have broken me in good!)

Boy2 is in his 'afraid' zone again. My idiot cousins brought their dog to dinner. (Just what my Aunt and Uncle need on their new hardwood floors, have some respect people). It jumped up on Boy2 and was puppy chewing on him. So now he is terrified of the dog. Every time the dog got close after that he would freak, well maybe we should keep our dog away from this poor kid... every 10 mins at supper poor Boy2 was freaking out. They kept forgetting about their stupid dog and letting it take off. (I love dogs by the way, but sometimes their owners need a slap... kind of like some parents I suppose? :))

With that I am off to bed... night!



At 8:59 a.m., October 13, 2009, Anonymous Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

I am glad you are organizing your craft room, I need to organize my crafts stuff.
That is funny about your son's willie, glad it's back.


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