Saturday, October 10, 2009

#321 - It's officially over!

Well it's past midnight now so that means my Birthday is officially over! YEY! I really am not a big fan of my own Birthday. It's a reminder that I am one year older (closer to death is what I tell people I want to freak out! LOL I know I am evil, well a girl has to have fun right?)

So the hilight of my day was when I got up this morning. The hubby got the boys colouring pictures for me for my birthday. (Finally he got a little creative with the kids). So it was a wonderful birthday present and the boys were so proud of their pictures it made it a great morning. If only the rest of the day was that good. (The boys were crabby so hubby was crabby.. you get the picture.)

So I started cleaning the boys room and reorganizing. (And planning for the room colours!) I managed to injure my knee while vacuuming though... I was on my knees trying to vacuum under something. Well I must have twisted the wrong way, I heard this awful pop and fell over. Boy2 was covering me with his blanket, baby was laying beside me and Boy1 was asking me if I was ok. My leg felt like crap but the knee was ok. I think I just pulled all my muscles! We will see how it goes tomorrow at work!

Guess what MORE snow today! We went from summer to winter and skipped fall I think! We are having unseasonably cold weather, great!

Anyway I must be off to bed... work tomorrow



At 8:06 a.m., October 10, 2009, Anonymous sky girl said...

Happy Belated Birthday!

I'm always late to the party. :)

Sorry you didn't have a better day.

At 12:04 p.m., October 11, 2009, Anonymous Kristin said...

Happy Happy Birthday!


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