Sunday, March 15, 2009

#192 - Busy Busy!

Well I am looking forward to my next 2 weeks, a break from teaching. Unfortunately I have too much other work to do!

I worked at job#1 today. It was really quiet (probably the nasty snow) which was fine as there was lots to do!

The hubby went cutting fired wood on Saturday. I think he had a good time. I imagine he was tired after all that work. Hubby and his buddy went out to chop down some trees. They even chunked them all up so they will be ready to go next winter.

I almost have my income tax stuff done so I can't wait to submit it since we are getting some cash back this year!

- how fast time is flying by

- cool new craft stuff

It was tantrum day on Saturday. First Boy1, then that one cleared up just in time for Boy2 to start. It was a rough morning. So we all had an afternoon nap! It seemed to do the trick!

Today went by so fast I didn't seem to get too much time to play with the kiddos. They were pretty good (at least when I was home).

And with that I am off to bed... good night


At 7:49 a.m., March 16, 2009, Anonymous Kristin said...

Cool new craft stuff always makes me happy too.

At 8:43 a.m., March 16, 2009, Anonymous Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Tantrums ugh, especially one after another.
Yeah for new craft stuff, I have to reorganize my craft "box", see No Basement for me, a Box!!!
I am not a regular crafter, only for special occasions and the holidays.


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