Thursday, April 19, 2007

Quick Update...

I am so sorry to leave all of you hanging for so long. Baby is doing fine, it's mom that needs a kick in the butt!

This PG is kicking my arce. I am in constant pain which has now limited my mobility quite badly and I am also having breathing issues. I am taking each day at a time and trying to enjoy the most I can as I know that I will never be PG again. I will try to pop in from time to time until I am back on my feet. (I really wish I had wireless router these days!)

Thanks to those have emailed me to ask how I am doing.

I am going to enjoy this PG pain or not! I am still very happy to be PG, my husband thinks I have gone round the bend! Pretty much all I care about is a healthy baby (and my boys of course!)

I am disappointed that I cannot spend the time I would like playing with my boys, but they are so sweet they will each grab a toy and come sit with me for hours and play. This is really the thing that bugs me the most, that I am not giving more to my sweet boys.

I will try to update a few times before baby is born to keep you all up-to-date.

Take care all



At 1:43 p.m., April 19, 2007, Blogger Bittermama said...

Glad you're ok. Hang in there, I know it seems like forever, but before you know it you'll have that baby in your arms!

At 5:23 p.m., April 19, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so glad you checked in, Soralis. I have been wondering about you. I am sorry to hear you are in so much pain. It will all be over soon. Take care of yourself.

At 11:34 a.m., April 20, 2007, Blogger Lut C. said...

Good to hear the baby is fine! It's unfortunate that you're not feeling so hot right now. I hope it will be over and forgotten soon, when you hold a lovely new baby in your arms.
Hang in there.

At 7:46 p.m., April 22, 2007, Blogger Rumour Miller said...

Glad to hear that the baby is fine. I was wondering how you were doing.

At 6:21 a.m., April 23, 2007, Blogger GLouise said...

Glad you are OK! Keep us posted whenever you have a moment...Take care,

At 3:24 a.m., April 24, 2007, Blogger Barely Sane said...

Glad to hear you are ok. I thought maybe you were on bedrest or something. Your boys sound so sweet!

At 1:12 a.m., May 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank goodness I was starting to worry. Make sure you takecare of yourself and that precious cargo.

At 11:14 a.m., May 08, 2007, Blogger Angie said...

Just checking in, glad to hear things are okay.

At 7:46 a.m., May 11, 2007, Blogger Becci said...

hope things are still going alright.

At 6:29 p.m., May 31, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So nice to hear from you and that the baby is OK. You have such a good attitude about not feeling well. Hopefully time will pass quickly and the pg will be uneventful until the little one arrives. Keep posting when you can.

At 9:43 a.m., June 07, 2007, Blogger Barely Sane said...

Hope all is still well. Keep us up to date and let us know when baby gets here.


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