Monday, May 08, 2006

Feeling a little better today... hope it lasts

Well our blast made it through the thaw process and after a 4 hour drive to the clinic it is now 'home'.

By the way sorry about my last post. I forgot that when you type in word then copy to blogger it does weird things with some puncuation! Thanks for reading anyway, I hope I didn't give anyone a head ache. (I did clean it up a bit today!)

So we did the trip and we are done with IVF, we have nothing left now. (unless someone has 10 grand burning a hole in their pocket and wants to give it to me for another cycle... LOL! Unless of course we get lucky with this one!)

So the other day I was b*tching about the ultra positive embriologist (sp?), watch out what you b*tch about!! The lady we had yesterday was about as friendly as a stick with thorns! I decided that ultra positive lady was much better than Miss Negative. WTF a negative embriologist in a fertility clinic, what is that all about? And god forbid you actually ask a question, I felt like I was intruding... I decided to keep some of my questions to myself as I know I could get a better answer from Dr. Google! ha ha!

So anyway 4th and 5th transfers are done, now I get to wait. I think this week will be fairly easy, it's the second week that will drive me crazy!!

I am supposed to test on the 20th (Saturday of the long weekend, ya that sounds like fun!) So I am going to go on Friday instead and pray to god that I get the results before the following Tuesday. That would suck!

Anyway better run.

Send some love to Jenny if you haven't already. She got a nasty BFN this weekend. I am hoping that she has some luck with her frosties in the future and that her heart heals a little.

Quote of the day
"Today is the first day of the rest of your life. "
- Abbie Hoffman


At 10:08 a.m., May 08, 2006, Blogger DD said...

I think it's really interesting that you did two transfers. I have never heard of anyone doing that I wonder if we should've tried that on our first IVF when there were embryos left over to freeze.

Oh well. In your case I hope that all ends on a positive note (and pee test!)

At 10:11 a.m., May 08, 2006, Blogger Barely Sane said...

Congrats on getting 2 embies transfered! An interesting way of doing it tho. Hope the crazy lady didn't give you too much grief.

Hang tough - less than 2 wks to go now!

At 11:57 a.m., May 08, 2006, Blogger Lisa said...

I'm sending lots of good vibes your way! I hope to hear some good news in 2 weeks.

At 12:23 p.m., May 08, 2006, Blogger Kellie said...

Congrats on two transfers. I haven't heard of transferring in that way before. Interesting :)

Hope that one or BOTH stick around!

At 12:57 p.m., May 08, 2006, Blogger Serenity said...

Good luck GOOD LUCK! I am hoping to see some good news in a couple of weeks...

At 1:18 p.m., May 08, 2006, Blogger Kellie said...

Glad the transfer is over - sounds like a crazy journey. I have everything crossed for you!!! Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

At 1:20 p.m., May 08, 2006, Blogger x said...

Thank you so much for the support. I talked to the clinic psychologist today and he gave me a few mechanisms for coping.

I am so hopeful for you. I think I already said this but seeing a postive frozen cycle would be great right now.

I'll be thinking of you.

At 1:35 p.m., May 08, 2006, Blogger Shauna said...

Praying for you Soralis. We're about due for some positive news don't ya think??

At 3:38 p.m., May 08, 2006, Blogger Keeping The Faith said...

I wanted to thank you for stopping by my site. I appreciate (and need) the encouraging words and support. I'm glad you're having a better day. I hope we get a BFP for you. I think we all need some goods news around here.

At 3:38 p.m., May 08, 2006, Blogger Kimmer said...

Thinking of you and hoping those embryos are snuggling in. Good luck!

At 7:12 p.m., May 08, 2006, Blogger Mary Ellen and Steve said...

Congrats on transferring 2 embryos. I hope that they are making themselves at home. Good luck in your 2ww!

At 8:32 p.m., May 08, 2006, Blogger Lisa said...

Sending prayers your way. I hope the time passes quickly for you.

At 3:49 a.m., May 09, 2006, Blogger Meg said...

Trusty Dr. Google. Best of "luck", Soralis. :)

At 6:07 a.m., May 09, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you are feeling a bit better. I hope things go well. I know the wait will be hard.

At 7:04 a.m., May 09, 2006, Blogger ankaisa said...

I do hope the embie sticks around! What did the negative embryologist say then?

At 12:21 p.m., May 09, 2006, Blogger Susan said...

Sending you lots of positive thoughts. Best of luck to you. I hope the tww goes by in a happy flash.

At 2:15 p.m., May 09, 2006, Blogger Hopeful Mother said...

Congratulations. I really hope your 2ww goes by quickly and there is good news at the end.

Hang in there!

At 2:21 p.m., May 09, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck to you.

At 2:42 p.m., May 09, 2006, Blogger beagle said...

Welcome to the wait! Fingers, etc., crossed for you guys!

At 6:26 p.m., May 09, 2006, Blogger Demeter said...

Are you ready for more twins? That is wonderful. You are so close...
I am sending you sticky vibes...
Good luck!

At 9:29 p.m., May 09, 2006, Blogger Sarah said...

I'm so happy to hear that the transfers went well. My fingers are crossed for you and hope to hear some good news very soon!


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