Monday, February 13, 2006

Another day another dissapointment

Lucky me good old Auntie Flo finally came to visit, did I mention I was a week late (not usually late)? Like I thought this month would be any different than any other month? We have only been trying the last two months so why would I begin to even get my hopes up? Because I am a freakin idiot that's why. Ok maybe not but sheesh you think I would give up. But you hear all these stories about people who go through IVF have a success PG then POOF they get PG the old fashion way at the drop of a hat! YA right like that would be me? Ya some people get pg after HSG's too oh ya and all those people who get PG on the waiting list for IVF... ya not me either (really have you ever met one of these people??? Or is it just some false hope that dr's/nurses/friends like to pass on to the IF!)

Well I guess it's not all bad, had to go to a funeral on Saturday. 60 years old just doesn't seem that old once you hit 30. It was very sad he had two kids in their 20's. Life insurance all messed up so it looks like the wife may be left to pay ALL the remaining bills herself. Yikes. And to think I am whining about my bad day... at least I have my family.

So what else is new? Not much just the same old stuff! I did manage to get some house cleaning done this weekend in preparation for my scrapbooking workshop this coming weekend. Wooohoo this coming weekend is a long weekend, which is good, but I get my remaining 2 wisdom teeth out on Tuesday... yuck what a way to wreck a weekend!! ha ha! Ya I will be glad to get my last two wisdom teeth out finally (long story), I had to have the last two out in November. It wasn't much fun but it is much better without them, I get way to many infections in the darn things. I sure hope they don't have to 'dig' the remaining two out. (I guess that's what you get for waiting WAY to long to have the extracted!)

"Hope is that thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never all."- Emily Dickinson


At 6:49 p.m., February 13, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry your period arrived after stringing you along. That's just lousy. It's impossible to not be hopeful, even it's just a tiny little corner of hope.


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